Daihatsu Extra Transponder into a Prox Car

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For programming extra transponder keys into a prox car

Starting state:

Doors closed key out of Ignition interior light on auto

Step 1:
Open then close the drivers door

Step 2: Jump 4 and 13 on OBD

Step 3:
Turn Ignition on with programmed transponder key

Step 4: Turn from On to Acc 3x

Step 5: Locks will cycle

Step 6: Remove Key from ignition

Step 7:
Within 20sec Insert new transponder key

Step 8: Door locks will cycle.

Step 9: Remove 4 and 13 jumper

If you only have an existing Prox, on a purple one use the opposite corner to the buttons or on the black one opposite to the emergency key to be able to turn ignition. A number of the transponders inside the Prox have never been programmed. If this is the case then you will need to Eeprom a transponder

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Button Config NA
Market Any
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